Planning Mode
In the Planning Mode, CHARM software guides you through a list of scenarios that
describe a particular release and the present meteorological conditions. The
release and meteorology descriptions can be input via a summary sheeet or tabbed
dialogs. To modifiy information on the summary sheet, double click on it.
When you select the Plume display, CHARM software requests a release time to use
in the calculations. This enables a simulation of the release. The various
graphic displays can be altered with a variety of options, and the release
information can be stored in a scenario file for use with CHARM software's
emergency response mode.
Emergency Mode
The potential release scenarios saved in the Planning Mode can be used in a
real-time Emergency Response Mode. The scenarios are linked with icons on a map.
You can define maps with the CHARM Editor for use in CHARM displays. With icons
on a map, a user can define a release by point and click on a map. This
capability makes graphical input available.
In the Emergency Response Mode, CHARM software quickly accesses stored input and
can combine that information with real-time meteorological data, if available,
to give real-time predictions of where the impact is going. The CHARM software
can be set up to start with a map/icon interface. The map icons can be selected
to show release scenarios and other maps.
CHARM software generates concentration, radiation, and overpressure footprint
displays, plots, tables, and site information. In Emergency Mode the impacts are
automatically updated as new meteorological data becomes available. Emergency
response procedures for a particular chemical release, local sources of help,
and important phone numbers stored in the planning mode can be retrieved quickly
in the emergency response mode.